Kisah nabi sulaiman bahasa indonesia
Kisah nabi sulaiman bahasa indonesia

kisah nabi sulaiman bahasa indonesia

In Islamic theology, Jesus is believed to have performed many miracles, several being mentioned in the Quran such as speaking as an infant, healing various ailments like blindness, raising the dead to life, making birds out of clay and breathing life into them. The Quran (central religious text of Islam) and most Hadith (testimonial reports) mention Prophet Jesus to have been born a "pure boy" (without sin) to Mary (Maryam‎) as the result of virginal conception, similar to the event of the Annunciation in Christianity. Prophet Jesus is the most mentioned person in the Quran 25 times by the name Isa, 3rd-person 48 times, 1st-person 35 times, the rest as titles and attributes. Jesus is believed to be a prophet who neither married nor had any children and is reflected as a significant figure, being found in the Quran in 93 ayaat (Arabic for verses) with various titles attached such as "Son of Mary", "Spirit of God and the "Word of God" among other relational terms, mentioned directly and indirectly, over 187 times. In Islam faith, Prophet Isa ibn Maryam (Jesus, son of Mary‎), or Prophet Jesus, is understood to be the penultimate prophet and messenger of Allah (God) and al-Masih, the Arabic term for Messiah (Christ), sent to guide the Children of Israel (bani israil in Arabic) with a new revelation: al-Injil (Arabic for "the Gospel").

kisah nabi sulaiman bahasa indonesia

Biografi Kehidupan Nabi Isa AS atau Jesus Christ Utusan Tuhan Yang Terakhir Untuk Kaum Bani Israel Dalam Pandangan Islam Bersumberkan Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran & Al-Hadist.

Kisah nabi sulaiman bahasa indonesia